The table provided shows the percentage of various household types that lived in poverty in Australia in1999. Aged couple families were comparatively far better off than other family types, as opposed to sole parents who were most poor.
It could be observed that 11% of all households lived in poverty(1,837,000 ). The aged couples were more comfortable economically, with only 4% (48,000) being poor, followed by single aged persons 6% (54,000) and merely 7%(211,000) of couples without children that lived in penury.
The maximum afflicted by poverty (21%) were the sole parents, closely followed by single families with no children(19%) and 12% of couples with children. It is interesting to note that even though only 12% of couples who had children were poor, their number was the highest, 933000.
To conclude, around one fifth of sole parents were poor in Australia . Besides, the trend was that elderly were least affected by financial distress.