In some countries, companies allow people to work from home. In others, people are still expected to work in an office.

IELTS, TOEFL and PTE Academic Writing Task, the Essay

The Essay Question:

In some countries, companies allow people to work from home. In others, people are still expected to work in an office.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

The Essay:

Few organisations permit their employees to work from their residence, as opposed to others who require them to be work in their office premises. Both these systems have merits and demerits.

To begin with, working in an office work area, develops bonding amongst the staff and a certain team spirit, that goes a long way in achieving company goals. When the staff is present in office on a daily basis, it also helps them to focus on the task at hand, with minimum domestic or other disturbance, thereby increasing productivity and output. Moreover, the senior management can have a better control of staff when they work in the office. Policies and decisions can be implemented sans any delays.

On the contrary, with employees working remotely from home, companies reduce expenses on office space rentals, electricity bills and transportation costs of staff. For instance, during and after the recent pandemic, many large organisations such as Tata Consultancy and Google amongst others, permitted their staff to work from their abode.

Furthermore, employees too save time, money and effort by not travelling each day to their work place. This in turn enhances their efficiency since they do not reach office tired after the commute in a public transport or driving through traffic. Besides, they feel more responsible and less stressed as they can fulfil office responsibilities from the comfort of their home.

To conclude, while companies may have divergent methods of working for their employees, with some working from home and others requiring to work in office, the former is beneficial in more ways than one. It not only cuts down company costs but also the expenditure of the staff along with a variety of tensions.

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