The Essay Topic: Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives.

The Essay Topic: Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with?

The Essay: Nowadays, there are  people who feel that promoting commodities leads to purchase of products which are actually not required. On the other hand, there is a segment of individuals who believes in the power of publicizing items, so that quality of life can be elevated by obtaining them.

Firstly, it has been noticed that many a times advertisements cause useless expenditure by the populace. Sometimes, they cast a hallucinatory effect and desire for a particular item, while it may be neither required nor practical. For example, many women buy lots of fancy watches and garments, just for the sake of acquiring them, irrespective of the actual need.

Secondly, advertising can lead to social disparity and resultant aggravation in crime level. After getting influenced by advertisements, the affluent people purchase a plethora of goods and services, vis-a-vis the financially suppressed sections of society. The down trodden may then resort to theft, pick pocketing and many more such activities to get the things they desire.

Nevertheless, one cannot ignore the benefits of promotions, as it helps people to be aware of products as well as services which can make their lives easier. For instance, over the last few decades, mobile service companies like Airtel and Vodafone, have introduced and made advancements in their offers and thereby improvised people’s lifestyle. In addition, regular updates facilitate the use of services in better ways. Now people can stay connected with each other in a much cheaper and faster manner.

To conclude, I opine that advertising proves hazardous in a myriad ways, causing widening of social and economic gap that results in a surge in crime as well as unnecessary acquisitions. Nonetheless, advertisements generate awareness about newer and better products which improve lives.

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