Some believe that modern technology has made people less socially active, while others disagree.

Essay Topic: Some believe that modern technology has made people less socially active, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The Essay:

In the present times, technology has made deep inroads into every sphere of our lives. There is one section of society which feels that this modern technology is responsible for people presently being not so active socially, while others feel it is not true.

Firstly, residents of an area do not not mingle much, as in the bygone days. Neighbours hardly interact amongst each other and remain as strangers in a technology driven world. A few decades ago, people would regularly meet up in a community and spend a lot of time together, sharing their experiences and feelings. For instance, I communicate with just a handful of the several people in our neibourhood. Secondly, the latest gadgets like television, tablets, computers and smart phones provide people myriad ways of entertainment that is often preferred over gossip within people in a society. Moreover, majority of the children play indoors on their devices rather than outside with others of their age.

On the other hand, people have turned highly socially active, albeit virtually. They have a plethora of online groups, meet ups and friends, with whom they spend hours chatting or interacting with. Additionally, many people go on tours with others of their kind and have a great holiday. For example, my friend Leena, went on a trekking camp with others whom she had never met before. Apart from this, social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more, have united citizens across the globe into one large community of like minded people. They exchange views, share knowledge and socialise on the internet.

To conclude, according to me, while modern technology is responsible for transforming people into being socially inactive on the physical plane, nevertheless, it has brought them more closer over the World Wide Web. 

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