Many famous atheletes advertise different products. What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?

The Essay Topic: Many famous atheletes advertise different products. What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?

The Essay: It is observed that a variety of goods are promoted by well known sports stars. This certainly has associated merits and demerits. While these brand ambassadors earn money in this manner, nevertheless, they could also be diverted from the game itself.

First, the primary job of atheletes is to focus on their sport and any other unrelated task like promoting goods, is a hindrance to their performance. Besides, the whole process of creating advertisement is very time consuming. When such heroes on the field, devote their precious time on advertising products, they might loose practice time.

Second, the cost of a product increases in proportion to the advertising and hiring famous atheletes to highlight the same, would be expensive. Sports stars charge a hefty fee for such acts and hence the market price of such goods could be unnecessarily steep for a common man. For instance, Reebok shoes which is advertised by leading atheletes, is higher in cost vis-a-vis similar shoes.

On the other hand, when goods are sold, with top seeded atheletes featuring in their media campaigns, consumers have the confidence of its utility and credibility. Customers buy such products with confidence. Furthermore, the sale of goods promoted by famous atheletes increases due to their persona and marketeers are able to sell in larger quantities. In this manner, companies can beat the competition by utilising the brand value of successful atheletic performers.

To conclude, I believe, it is in vogue to feature leading atheletes in product advertisements that brings disadvantages like a dip in performance due to a diversion in energy apart from higher product cost. Nonetheless, it facilitates more sales and authenticity to goods

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