People nowadays sleep less than they used to in the past.

The Essay Topic: People nowadays sleep less than they used to in the past. What do you think is the reason behind this? What are the effects on individuals and people around them?


The Essay : It cannot be gainsaid that people sleep less in recent years as compared to the past. This is mainly because of the hectic life schedule and increasing digital dependency  in people’s life these days unlike in the past. However, this phenomenon leads to detrimental repercussions on individuals and society.

To begin with, the primary reason of sleep deprivation is the competitive and hectic lifestyle of modern times which requires people to be more attentive than ever before. Nowadays people are in a constant race to fulfill their basic needs and to achieve their goals and as a result they get less time for sleep. Moreover, sleeping less is a virtue these days. For instance, most high-profile personalities with amazing achievements, such as Bill Gates, take pride in cutting down on their rest hours and consider that a key for success.

Furthermore, the computer era has surrounded us with an enormous number of screens which have a major effect on our conscious brains. Studies have shown that the blue light of computer, television and mobile screens make the brain more awake and prevents it from falling asleep. In addition, technology has led to a sedentary lifestyle, which results in fewer physical movements at work or home and this reduces the sleep requirements to a great extent as people feel less tired .

Nevertheless, this trend has certain pitfalls on the wellbeing of an individual and communities associated with the person, as less sleeping hours can cause depression, tiredness as well as many health problems which predispose them to serious health diseases like obesity and hypertension. Consequently, this will eventually lead to a weaker society.

In conclusion, according to me, it is an irrefutable that people sleep lesser these days as compared to the bygone days.  This is due to modern lifestyle and advent of technology in people’s life. Nonetheless, it has certain drawbacks on people’s health causing a feeble society.

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