Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st Century and sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates. 

The Essay Question: Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st Century and sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates.

What problems are associated with this and what are some possible solutions.

The Essay: It is a fact that one of the principal dangers people face in the present age is Global warming, with the volume of water in seas increasing continually at a terrifying pace. I beleive, this phenomenon is causing flooding at homes and cities displacing people apart from predisposing them to diseases. Nevertheless, this can be curbed by preventive measures taken by governments.

Firstly, due the rise in water levels, the dams are filling up to dangerous degrees of water level, forcing them to be opened, pushing waters onto lands, as well as, destroying property. For instance, the recent floods in Mumbai, Bihar, Kerala, and many other parts of India, have destroyed millions of lives, not to mention the extensive economic and infrastructural damage caused. Secondly, flooding increases the chances of water being contaminated and making people prone to water borne diseases. This has deteriorated the health of people, causing a detrimental effect on their life expectancy.

In order to curb this problem, flood defence mechanisms should be utilized. There should be proper dikes and floodgates that should be built along the coasts , thereby stopping excess water from reaching the populated areas. For example, Netherlands that is prone to floods, has successfully employed flood defence systems. In addition to this, the government should enforce measures in order to prevent health issues in affected areas by disinfecting the water thereby keeping citizens safe and avoid further criticality.


To conclude, according to me, the rising tides caused by increasing global temperatures is a challenge that leads to many cities being left underwater besides destroying assets. However, implementing precautionary strategic measures like flood barriers and disinfecting water, will go a long way in combating the situation.

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