Nowadays the crime rate is increasing, especially among teenagers.

Essay Topic: Nowadays the crime rate is increasing, especially among teenagers. What are the reasons behind it? How can we reverse this trend? What punishment methods should be used, in your opinion?

The Essay: There is a alarming rise in the levels of youth crime in recent. I believe there are many possible reasons behind this, dysfunctional families and influence of media, being the most critical amongst them. Delving into this causes can undo the crisis and modified punishments can be given in place of stricter ones.

Firstly, children who come from a disturbed family background deal with a lot of stress. A lot of them turn to crime to give vent to their pent-up emotions. Emotionally secure children generally do not indulge in offences. Secondly, rise in crime rate can also be attributed to glorification of violence in films and electronic media. This may influence the impressionable mind of a teenager since children try to imitate such acts. For example, a case of serial murders by a boy was reported in India after watching a violent film.

Nevertheless, we cannot deal with juvenile delinquency, if changes do not happen at the fundamental level. One of the measures to counter this problem is that parents should maintain a healthy atmosphere and appropriate discipline while raising children. Besides, they should monitor the content watched by children on electronic media. In addition, government should start youth centres.  This would keep children busy in creative work and away from offences.

 However, instead of strict punishments to children, penalties like fine and compulsory community service should be made obligatory for offenders who are not adults. Strict punishment might spoil their life and they may not be able cope and lead a normal life later.

In conclusion, distressing problem like upsurging juvenile crimes in the present times can be tackled by taking action on the factors causing them. Apart from this, amendment in punishment strategy will also be beneficial. 


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